Magic Tree Clock

Friday, December 12, 2008

"The Home Economics Story" - 1951

Here's a great video about choosing home economics as a profession. Home economists in the 1920s began trying to make home ec a profession so that colleges would see it as a valid area of study. It still maintained a division of labor aspect (i.e., geared toward women). At the time of this video in 1951, men were starting to be hired in home ec departments because they started to desire jobs in industry that women had held for a couple decades (although you won't see much of men as home economists or being given the choice of home ec in this video). The Corning Glassware company in Corning, New York is one example where home economists could find employment.

(If you are familiar with Mystery Science Theater movie commentary, you'll appreciate the edited version of this video at this link:

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